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Title: Hubungan Kompetensi Pedagogik Guru Dan Efikasi Diri Dengan Motivasi Berprestasi Belajar Siswa Kelas IX SMP Islam Al-Ulum Terpadu Medan
Other Titles: The Correlation between Teacher Pedagogic Competence and Self-Efficacy with Learning Achievement Motivation of Grade IX Students of Al-Ulum Integrated Islamic Middle School Medan
Authors: Siswati, Sri
Keywords: kompetensi pedagogik;efikasi diri dan motivasi berprestasi belajar siswa;self-efficacy and student achievement motivation;pedagogic competence
Issue Date: 21-Aug-2014
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;121804068
Abstract: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1 ). Hubungan kompetensi pedagogik guru dengan motivasi berprestasi belajar, (2). Hubungan efikasi diri dengan motivasi berprestasi beiajar siswa.(3 ). Hubungan antara motivasi berprestasi belajar dan efikasi diri dengan motivasi berprestasi bel8:iar siswa. Subjek penelitian adalah 100 siswa SMP Al-Ulum terpadu Medan, pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan proportionate random sampling, metode penelitian ini bersifat deskriftif yang bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi tentang gejala huhungan dalam penelitian. Sehelum penelitian dilakukan, instrument penelitian terlebih dahulu diujicobakan kepada 30 orang diluar sampel dan dilanjutkan denga.."l uji validitas dan reabilitas. Instnt.•nen angket kompetensi pedagogik guru ya.'1g valid diperoleh 24 butir dari 25 butir angket yang diujicobakan da.'1 mempunyai reliabilitas sebesar diperoleh koefisien reliabilitasnya sebesar 0, 773 ,. Instmment angket efikasi diri yang valid diperoleh 19 butir dari 20 butir angket yang diujicobakan dan koefisien reliabilitasnya sebesar 0,924. Instrument angket motivasi berprestasi yang valid diperoleh 24 butir dari 32 butir angket yang diujicobakan dan koefisien reliabilitasnya sebesar 0,846. This study aims to determine (1 ). Competency relationship teacher pedagogy with learning achievement motivation, (2). Self-efficacy relationship with student achievement motivation. (3). The relationship between motivation learning achievement and self-efficacy with students' learning achievement motivation. The research subjects were 100 students of SMP Al-Ulum integrated Medan, taking sample was done by proportionate random sampling, this research method descriptive in nature which aims to obtain information about symptoms relationship in research. Before the research was carried out, the research instrument first tested on 30 people outside the sample and continued with.."l validity and reliability tests. Instnt.•n questionnaire on teacher pedagogic competence yes.'1g valid obtained 24 items from 25 questionnaires tested da.'1 has a reliability of 0.773, the reliability coefficient is obtained. A valid self-efficacy questionnaire instrument obtained 19 out of 20 questionnaire items tested and the reliability coefficient is 0.924. Questionnaire instrument valid achievement motivation obtained 24 items from 32 questionnaire items tested and the reliability coefficient is 0.846.
Description: 87 Halaman
Appears in Collections:MT - Master of Psychology

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