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Title: Akibat Hukum Atas Pembatalan Lelang Hak Tanggungan atas Perbuatan Melawan Hukum Oleh bank Studi Putusan No. 26/Pdt.G/2018/PN.Lbn
Other Titles: Legal Consequences of Cancellation of Mortgage Auction for Unlawful Acts by bank Study of Decision No. 26/Pdt.G/2018/PN.Lbn
Authors: Sihombing, Hilmi Muhammad
Keywords: lelang, Pembatalan Lelang Eksekusi, Hak Tanggungan;lelang;pembatalan lelang eksekusi;hak tanggungan;auction;cancellation auction;right dependents
Issue Date: 24-Oct-2022
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;168400022
Abstract: Lelang diatur pada pasal 1 Vendu Reglement S.1908 No. 189, lelang merupakan penjualan barang-barang yang dilakukan pada depan generic menggunakan harga penawaran yang semakin tinggi atau menurun pada orang-orang yang diundang, diberitahukan tentang lelang atau penjualan itu, diijinkan buat ikut, dan diberikan kesempatan buat menawar harga. Pelaksanaan lelang sendiri dari Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 93/PMK.06/2010 sebagaimana sudah diubah menggunakan Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 106/PMK.06/2013 sudah menggunakan kewenangan pada KPKNL pada melaksanakan lelang eksekusi. Permasalahan penelitian ini adalah pengaturan terhadap lelang eksekusi atas perbuatan melawan hukum, mekanisme pembatalan lelang eksekusi atas perbuatan melawan hukum, dan akibat hukum atas pembatalan lelang eksekusi hak tanggungan yang telah melawan hukum. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode yuridis normative, dan sifat penelitian deskriptif analitis, analisis terhadap perseteruan dilakukan menggunakan metode kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini diperoleh: bank terbukti melanggar pengaturan pasal 224 HIR/258 Rbg yang mengatur aplikasi lelang eksekusi wajib melalui penetapan Pengadilan Negeri setempat, dan pasal 200 ayat (1) HIR/216 yang mengisyaratkan pelelangan eksekusi haruslah terlebih dahulu dilakukan sita eksekusi sang kepala Pengadilan Negeri setempat, sebagai akibatnya pihak kreditur sudah melanggar dua pasal tersebut dan wajib mengikuti prosedur pembatalan lelang eksekusi Peraturan Menteri Keuangan No 93/PMK.06/2010 pasal 26 yang mengisyaratkan pembatalan lelang dilakukan menggunakan ketentuan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, penjual dan Pejabat Lelang wajib mengumumkan pada peserta lelang dalam pelaksanaan lelang. Dan dampak aturan berdasarkan pembatalan lelang eksekusi atas perbuatan melawan hukum artinya aset yang telah disita oleh kreditur tanpa melalui mekanisme perundang-undangan dikembalikan pada nasabah dan pihak kreditur wajib membayar porto persidangan. Maka berdasarkan penulis penelitian ini telah menerapkan kepastian Hukum dimana pihak debitur dan kreditur tidak ada yang merasa dirugikan. Disarankan supaya kedepannya pihak bank lebih teliti pada menjalankan lelang eksekusi agar tidak terjadi kerugian pada kedua belah pihak. The auction is regulated in Section 1 Vendu Regulation S.1908 No. 189, auction is a sale of goods made in public with an increasing or decreasing bid price to people who are invited, notified of the auction or sale, permitted to participate, and given the opportunity to bid price. The implementation of the auction itself based on the Regulation of the Minister of Finance Number 93/PMK.06/2010 as amended by the Regulation of the Minister of Finance Number 106/PMK.06/2013 has authorized the KPKNL in carrying out the execution auction. The problems of this study are the regulation of the auction of execution for unlawful acts, the mechanism for canceling the auction of executions for unlawful acts, and the legal consequences for the cancellation of the auction execution of dependent rights that have been unlawful. Theresearch method uses normative juridical methods, and the nature of the research is descriptive analytical, the analysis of the problem is carried out by qualitative methods. The results of this study obtain: the bank is proven to have violated the provisions of Section 224 HIR/258 Rbg which stipulates that the execution auction must go through a local District Court decision, and Section 200 paragraph (1) HIR/216 which implies that the execution auction must first be confiscated by the head of the Court. Local country, so that the creditor has violated the two articles and must follow the mechanism for canceling the auction execution of the Minister of Finance Regulation No. 93/PMK.06/2010 Section 26 which implies that the cancellation of the auction is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the applicable laws, and the seller and the Auction Officer must announce to the bidders at the time of the auction. And legal consequences of auction cancellation of mortgage right for unlawful action is that assets that have been confiscated by creditors without going through statutory procedures are returned to customers and the creditors must pay court fees. So according to the author of this study, it has implemented legal certainty in which neither the debtor nor the creditor feels aggrieved. It is recommended that in the future the bank will be more careful in carrying out the execution auction so that there is no loss for both parties. The auction is regulated in Section 1 Vendu Regulation S.1908 No. 189, auction is a sale of goods made in public with an increasing or decreasing bid price to people who are invited, notified of the auction or sale, permitted to participate, and given the opportunity to bid price. The implementation of the auction itself based on the Regulation of the Minister of Finance Number 93/PMK.06/2010 as amended by the Regulation of the Minister of Finance Number 106/PMK.06/2013 has authorized the KPKNL in carrying out the execution auction. The problems of this study are the regulation of the auction of execution for unlawful acts, the mechanism for canceling the auction of executions for unlawful acts, and the legal consequences for the cancellation of the auction execution of dependent rights that have been unlawful. The research method uses normative juridical methods, and the nature of the research is descriptive analytical, the analysis of the problem is carried out by qualitative methods. The results of this study obtain: the bank is proven to have violated the provisions of Section 224 HIR/258 Rbg which stipulates that the execution auction must go through a local District Court decision, and Section 200 paragraph (1) HIR/216 which implies that the execution auction must first be confiscated by the head of the Court. Local country, so that the creditor has violated the two articles and must follow the mechanism for canceling the auction execution of the Minister of Finance Regulation No. 93/PMK.06/2010 Section 26 which implies that the cancellation of the auction is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the applicable laws, and the seller and the Auction Officer must announce to the bidders at the time of the auction. And legal consequences of auction cancellation of mortgage right for unlawful action is that assets that have been confiscated by creditors without going through statutory procedures are returned to customers and the creditors must pay court fees. So according to the author of this study, it has implemented legal certainty in which neither the debtor nor the creditor feels aggrieved. It is recommended that in the future the bank will be more careful in carrying out the execution auction so that there is no loss for both parties.
Description: 73 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Civil Law

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