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Title: Kekuatan Pembuktian Saksi Testimonium De Auditu Dalam Perkara Perceraian Pada Pengadilan Agama Medan
Other Titles: The Strength of Proof of Witness Testimonium De Auditu in Divorce Cases at the Medan Religious Court
Authors: Harahap, Hasnan Habib
Keywords: pembuktian;testimonium de auditu;perceraian;evidence;divorce
Issue Date: 14-Sep-2022
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;188400202
Abstract: Testimoniummdeeauditu atau dapat diartikan sebagaikkesaksian atau keteranganyyang didasarkanddari mendengarccerita darioorang lainaatau kesaksianatidak langsungaProblematikanya adalahsapabila saksistidak melihat mengalamisserta menyaksikanasecara langsungqtentang terjadinyaqperistiwa hukum, lalubbagaimana kriteriaaagar seseorangddapat dikatakanssebagai seorangssaksi. Untuk mempermudahppemahaman materiddan agarttidak menyimpangddari pokokppermasalahan yangaakan dibahassdalam skripsiiini, makaddalam penelitiannini memilikimpenyusunan masalahssebagai berikut, Bagaimanakkedudukan seorangssaksi TestimoniumdDe Audituppasca Putusan MahkamahkKonstitusi Nomor.65/PUU-VIII/2010 tentangpPerluasan Makna Saksi serta bagaimanabkekuatan hukumppembuktian saksittestimonium de auditu padapperkara perceraianpPengadilan AgamamMedan danhhambatan dalamppenerapan pembuktianssaksi dalampperkara perceraianppada pengadilan agamanmedan? . Jenisppenelitian yangppeneliti gunakanppada penelitiannini adalahppenelitian hukumyYuridis-Normatif yaitummengimplementasikan ketentuan hukumnnormatif (undang-undang) namunnjuga menelitibbagaimana disetiappperistiwa hukumttertentu yangtterjadi dalamssuatu masyarakat. Kedudukansseorang saksi TestimoniumdDe Auditu pascapPutusan Mahkamah KonstitusinNomor.65/PUU-VIII/2010 tentangpPerluasan MaknasSaksi untuk menggunakanssaksi testimonium deaauditu meyakinibbahwa saksibbukan terletak padaaapakah diammelihat, mendengar, ataummengalami sendirissuatu peristiwappidana, melainkan padaarelevansi kesaksiannyaddengan suatupperkara a yangssedang diproses. Kekuatanhhukum pembuktianssaksi testimonium deaauditu padapperkara perceraian PengadilanaAgama Medan didasarkanppada keyakinansseorang hakimppernyataan saksittestimonium de auditu dapatddijadikan sebuahppersangkaan. sebaiknyabbegitu pulatterhadap hukum acarapperdata gunammemberikan kepastianhhukum baik kepadappara pihak yangbberpekara maupunmmasyarakat terkaitppenggunaan testimonium de auditu agarttidak adabkebingungan untukddirumuskan secaraategas kedalam peraturanbberacara terkhusushhukum acarapperdata. Testimoniummde auditu or can beiiinterpreted as testimonyyor information basedoon hearingsstories from otherppeople or indirectttestimony. Thepproblem is if thewwitness doesnnot see, experienceaand witnessffirsthand theooccurrence of legaleevents, thenwwhat are theccriteria so thatssomeone can bessaid to be a witness. To facilitateuunderstanding of the materialaand so as not toadeviate from the mainiissues that will be discussed in this thesis, in this study, the formulation of the problem as follows,1. What is the position of a witness Testimonium De Auditu after the Constitutional Court Decision Number 65/PUUVIII/ 2010 concerning the Expansion of Witness Meaning? 2. What is the legal strength of the evidence of witness testimony de auditu in the divorce case of the Medan Religious Court? 3. What are the obstacles in the application of witness evidence in divorce cases at the Medan Religious Courts? . The type of research that the researcher uses in this research is juridical-normative legal research, namely implementing normative legal provisions (laws) but also examining how each particular legal event occurs in a society. The position of a witness Testimonium De Auditu after the Decision of the Constitutional Court Number 65/PUU-VIII/2010 concerning the Expansion of the Witness's Meaning to use a witness testimonyum de auditu believes that the witness does not lie in whether he has seen, heard, or experienced a criminal event himself, but rather on the relevance of his testimony to a case that is being processed. The legal force of proving the witness testimony de auditu in the divorce case of the Medan Religious Court is based on the belief of a judge that the statement of the witness testimony de auditu can be used as an allegation. the same applies to civil procedural law in order to provide legal certainty both to litigants and the public regarding the use of testimonials de auditu so that there is no confusion to be formulated explicitly into procedural regulations, especially civil procedural law.
Description: 66 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Civil Law

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