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dc.contributor.advisorKusmanto, Heri-
dc.description71 Halamanen_US
dc.description.abstractPelaksanaann pemberian Program Bantuan Hibah dan Bantuan Sosial di Kabupaten Gayo Lues dilakukan sebagai salah satu program penanggulangan kemiskinan di wilayah tersebut yang mempunyai sasaran perorangan atupun keluarga miskin yang berada dalam satu wilayah administrasi pemerintahan kabupaten tersebut. Penyebaran penduduk di Kabupaten Gayo Lues tidak merata sehingga hal ini dapat mengakibatkan adanya kesenjangan tingkat kesejahteraan di masing-masing kecamatan disamping faktor-faktor lain yang mempengaruhinya. Dengan tingkat kepadatan dan penyebaran penduduk yang tidak merata yang berdampak pada kesejahteraan tersebut menjadi tanngung jawab Pemerintah Kabupaten Gayo Lues dalam melaksanakan program dan kegiatan yang merupakan penyelenggaraan urusan yang menjadi kewenangannya. Pemerintah Kabupaten Gayo Lues dalam rangka mengatasi kerentanan sosial permasalahan yang ada dimasyarakat salah satu cara yang diberikan adalah dengan menganggarkan belanja daerah dalam bentuk hibah dan bantuan sosial sebagaimana terdapat dalam jenis belanja daerah yang terdapat dalam pasal 27 ayat (7) PP 58 Tahun 2005. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk dapat mengetahui implementasi program pemberian dana hibah dan bantuan sosial di Kabupaten Gayo Lues mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi implementasi pemberian hibah dan bantuan sosial di Kabupaten Gayo Lues, dan untuk mengindentifikasi hambatan dalam mekanisme pemberian dana hibah dan bantuan sosial di Kabupaten Gayo Lues. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif, dengan instrumen penelitian wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian ini adalah implementasi kebijakan program hibah dan bantuan sosial di Kabupaten Gayo Lues berjalan cukup lancar. Walaupun masih belum dilakukan sesuai dengan perundang undangan yang berlaku tetapi hampir semua tahap kegiatan pengusulan dan pengelolaan hibah dan bantuan sosial sudah dilaksanakan. Kemudian beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi pelaksanaan program hibah dan bantuan sosial adalah komunikasi, kemampuan sumber daya, sikap pelaksana, struktur birokrasi,, lingkungan serta ukuran dan tujuan kebijakan. Hambatan yang dihadapi dalam mekanisme pemberian hibah dan bantuan sosial di Kabupaten Gayo Lues adalah sosialisasi program hibah dan bantuan sosial di Kabupaten Gayo Lues kurang optimal, pelaksanaan program bantuan sosial dan hibah masih menggunakan data peneriama bantuan hibah dan bantuan sosial tahun sebelumnya, dan masih banyak peneriama bantuan yang belum diverifikasi secara faktual datanya, masih adanya tumpang tindih dalam pembabagian bantuan hibah dan bantuan sosial, bahkan dana bantuan sosial terkesan mendidik masyarakat koruptor dan nepotisme. Implemtation of Grant Assistance Program and Social Assitance ini Gayo Lues perforned as one of the poverty reduction programs in the region that have targeted poor individuals anf families who are the territory of the district administration. Population distribution in Gayo Lues uneven, so that this can lead to the gap in the level of walfare of each district in addition to other factors that influence it. With the spread of population density and uneven impact on welfare is the responsibility of the Government of Gayo Lues in implementing programs and activities that are organizing the affairs of the authority. Gayo Lues government in order to address social vulnerability problems that exist in the community one way award is badgeted shopping areas the form of grants and social assistance as found in the type of shopping areas contained in Article 27 paragraph (7) Regulation 58 of 2005. This study aimed to ascertain the implemtation of the program of grants and social assistance in Gayo Lues, knowing what factors influence the implementation of grants and social assistance in Gayo Lues,, and to identify bottleneks in the delivery mechanism of grants and social assistance in Gayo Lues. The method used is descriptive qualitative, in depth interviews with research intrument. The result of this study are Policy Impelementation grants and social assistance in Gayo Lues went pretty smoothly. Although it still has not been done in accordance with the laws in force but nearly all stages of proposal and grants management activities and social assistance have been implemented. Then some of the factors that affect the implementation of the grants program and social assistence is communication, resource capabilities, attitudes executor, bureaucratic structure, and the size and environmental policy objectives. Obstacles encountered in the mechanism of providing grants and social assistance in Gayo Lues less that optimal, the implementation of social assistance program and grant the use data of beneficiaries of grants and social aid the previous years, and many recipients aid that has not verified that factual data, there is still overlap in the distribution of grant and social assistance, socail assistance funds even impressed educate people corrupt and nepotism. Implemtation of Grant Assistance Program and Social Assitance ini Gayo Lues perforned as one of the poverty reduction programs in the region that have targeted poor individuals anf families who are the territory of the district administration. Population distribution in Gayo Lues uneven, so that this can lead to the gap in the level of walfare of each district in addition to other factors that influence it. With the spread of population density and uneven impact on welfare is the responsibility of the Government of Gayo Lues in implementing programs and activities that are organizing the affairs of the authority. Gayo Lues government in order to address social vulnerability problems that exist in the community one way award is badgeted shopping areas the form of grants and social assistance as found in the type of shopping areas contained in Article 27 paragraph (7) Regulation 58 of 2005. This study aimed to ascertain the implemtation of the program of grants and social assistance in Gayo Lues, knowing what factors influence the implementation of grants and social assistance in Gayo Lues,, and to identify bottleneks in the delivery mechanism of grants and social assistance in Gayo Lues. The method used is descriptive qualitative, in depth interviews with research intrument. The result of this study are Policy Impelementation grants and social assistance in Gayo Lues went pretty smoothly. Although it still has not been done in accordance with the laws in force but nearly all stages of proposal and grants management activities and social assistance have been implemented. Then some of the factors that affect the implementation of the grants program and social assistence is communication, resource capabilities, attitudes executor, bureaucratic structure, and the size and environmental policy objectives. Obstacles encountered in the mechanism of providing grants and social assistance in Gayo Lues less that optimal, the implementation of social assistance program and grant the use data of beneficiaries of grants and social aid the previous years, and many recipients aid that has not verified that factual data, there is still overlap in the distribution of grant and social assistance, socail assistance funds even impressed educate people corrupt and nepotism.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.subjectDana hibahen_US
dc.subjectdana bantuan sosialen_US
dc.subjectpengelolaan hibahen_US
dc.subjectsocial assistance founfen_US
dc.subjectpolicy grantsen_US
dc.titleImplementasi Peraturan Bupati Gayo Lues Nomor 28 Tahun 2013 Tentang Pemberian Hibah dan Bantuan Sosial Kepada Masyarakat di Kabupaten Gayo Lues Tahun 2020 (Studi Pemberian Hibah)en_US
dc.title.alternativeImplementation of Gayo Lues Regent Regulation Number 28 of 2013 concerning Grants and Social Assistance to the Community in Gayo Lues Regency in 2020 (Grant Grant Study)en_US
dc.typeTesis Magisteren_US
Appears in Collections:MT - Master of Public Administration

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