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Title: Analisis Pendapatan Nelayan Modern (Studi Kasus: Desa Sei Merdeka, Kecamatan Panai Tengah, Kabupaten Labuhanbatu)
Other Titles: Income Analysis of Modern Fishermen (Case Study: Sei Merdeka Village, Panai Tengah District, Labuhanbatu Regency)
Authors: Nurjannah, Aida
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Siregar, Rahma Sari
Saleh, Khairul
Keywords: pendapatan nelayan;nelayan modern;modal kerja;income;modern fishermen;working capital
Issue Date: 21-Jan-2022
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;168220046
Abstract: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) untuk mengetahui pendapatan nelayan modern di Desa Sei Merdeka Kecamatan Panai Tengah Kabupaten Labuhanbatu dan (2) mengetahui faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi pendapatan nelayan modern di Desa Sei Merdeka Kecamatan Panai Tengah Kabupaten Labuhanbatu. Penentuan lokasi dilakukan secara sengaja (purposive). Faktor obyektif yang mendasari lokasi tersebut karena di Desa Sei Merdeka adalah daerah tersebut merupakan daerah yang sebagian penduduknya bermata pencahariannya sebagai nelayan salah satunya nelayan modern. Jumlah populasi nelayan di Desa Sei Merdeka Kecamatan Panai Tengah Kabupaten Labuhanbatu yaitu sebanyak 140 Nelayan maka sampel yang diambil yaitu pemilik kapal sebanyak 20% dari jumlah 140 populasi dari nelayan maka dapat dihitung 20/100 x 140 = 28 nelayan modern. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif dan uji regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa besarnya tingkat penerimaan nelayan modern di Desa Sei Merdeka, Kecamatan Panai Tengah, Kabupaten Labuhan Batu sebesar Rp. 34.512.142,86/ bulan, dimana dikeluarkan untuk gaji anggota kapal sebanyak Rp. 14.500.000,00/ bulan, biaya modal kerja sebesar Rp. 5.539.285,71/ bulan. biaya penyusutan peralatan sebesar Rp. 1.451.837/ bulan, sehingga diperoleh pendapatan bersih nelayan sebesar Rp. 13.021.019,46/ bulan. Variabel modal kerja, pengalaman sebagai nelayan, umur, harga ikan dan tingkat pendidikan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pendapatan nelayan, dengan nilai F-hitung sebesar 20,743 > F-tabel (2,66) dan nilai sig 0,000< 0,05. Secara parsial modal kerja, pengalaman sebagai nelayan, umur, harga ikan dan tingkat pendidikan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pendapatan nelayan. The aims of this study were (1) to determine the income of modern fishermen in Sei Merdeka Village, Panai Tengah District, Labuhanbatu Regency and (2) to determine what factors affect the income of modern fishermen in Sei Merdeka Village, Panai Tengah District, Labuhanbatu Regency. Determination of the location is done purposive. The objective factor that underlies the location is because in Sei Merdeka Village, the area is an area where most of the residents make their livelihood as fishermen, one of which is modern fishermen. The population of fishermen in Sei Merdeka Village, Panai Tengah District, Labuhanbatu Regency is as many as 140 fishermen, so the samples taken are ship owners as much as 20% of the total 140 population of fishermen, so it can be calculated 20/100 x 140 = 28 modern fishermen. Data analysis was done descriptively and multiple linear regression test. The results showed that the level of acceptance of modern fishermen in Sei Merdeka Village, Panai Tengah District, Labuhan Batu Regency was Rp. 34,512,142.86/month, which is issued for the salaries of ship members as much as Rp. 14,500,000.00/month, the cost of working capital is Rp. 5,539,285.71/ month. equipment depreciation cost of Rp. 1,451,837,/month, so that the net income of fishermen is Rp. 13,021,019.46/month. The variables of working capital, experience as a fisherman, age, fish price and education level have a significant effect on fishermen's income, with an F-count value of 20,743> F-table (2.66) and a sig value of 0.000 <0.05. Partially, working capital, experience as a fisherman, age, fish price and education level have a significant effect on fishermen's income.
Description: 109 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Agribusiness

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