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dc.contributor.advisorTrisna, Wessy-
dc.contributor.advisorSuryani, Beby-
dc.contributor.authorBr Manurung, Dhiya Haniyah-
dc.description.abstractKebijakan Pemerintah untuk menaikkan iuran pogram Jaminan Kesehatan pada saat terjadi wabah pandemi Covid-19 menuai banyak kritik dan menimbulkan polemik yang berkepanjangan dari berbagai kalangan masyarakat. Sedangkan dari sisi regulasi, kenaikan iuran sudah diatur dalam UU No. 40/2004 tentang SJSN dan penetapannya merupakan kewenangan pemerintah. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana pengaturan hukum terhadap kebijakan kenaikan tarif bagi peserta BPJS di masa pandemi covid-19 dan bagaimana mekanisme/prosedur pengajuan hak-hak peserta BPJS setelah kenaikan tarif BPJS Kesehatan di masa pandemi covid-19. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penulisan skripsi ini adalah yuridis normatif yang bersifat deskriptif analisis. Metode pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan perundang-undangan. Hasil penelitian, Pengaturan hukum terhadap kebijakan kenaikan tarif bagi peserta BPJS di masa pandemi covid-19 diatur dalam Peraturan Presiden Nomor 64 Tahun 2020 tentang Perubahan Kedua atas Peraturan Presiden Nomor 82 Tahun 2018 tentang Jaminan Kesehatan. Kenaikan iuran BPJS yang dilakukan pada masa pendemi Covid 19 adalah kurang tepat, karena tidak sesuai dengan amanat UUD 1945 sebagai dasar negara Republik Indonesia yaitu pada Pasal 28 H (1) dan ayat (3). Dampak kebijakan kenaikan tarif BPJS di masa pandemi Covid 19 antara lain dampak positif dan dampak negatif, dampak positif yaitu: peningkatan pelayanan kesehatan, menutupi defisit, pertumbuhan sektor farmasi, peningkatan sarana dan prasarana rumah sakit, peningkatan sosialisasi program BPJS, jangkauan penyakit yang ditanggung semakin luas, Jangkauan rumah sakit, sedangkan dampak negatif, yaitu: penuruan kelas peserta BPJS, banyaknya peserta pada kelas tiga, banyak masyarakat memutuskan untuk berhenti membayar iuran, penurunan minat masyarakat, beralihnya masyarakat ke asuransi swasta, Inflasi, meningkatkan kemiskinan. Covid-19 pandemic drew a lot of criticism and caused a prolonged polemic from various circles of society. Meanwhile, in terms of regulation, the increase in contributions has been regulated in Law no. 40/2004 concerning SJSN and its stipulation is the authority of the government. The problem in this study is how to regulate the legal regulation of the tariff increase policy for BPJS participants during the covid-19 pandemic and what is the mechanism/procedure for submitting the rights of BPJS participants after the increase in BPJS Health rates during the covid-19 pandemic. The type of research used in writing this thesis is normative juridical which is descriptive analysis. The approach method used in this research is the statutory approach. The results of the study, the legal regulation of the tariff increase policy for BPJS participants during the covid-19 pandemic is regulated in Presidential Regulation Number 64 of 2020 concerning the Second Amendment to Presidential Regulation Number 82 of 2018 concerning Health Insurance. The increase in BPJS contributions during the Covid-19 pandemic was inappropriate, because it was not in accordance with the mandate of the 1945 Constitution as the basis of the Republic of Indonesia, namely Article 28 H (1) and paragraph (3). The impact of the policy of increasing BPJS rates during the Covid 19 pandemic includes positive and negative impacts, positive impacts, namely: increasing health services, covering the deficit, growth in the pharmaceutical sector, increasing hospital facilities and infrastructure, increasing socialization of the BPJS program, increasing the range of diseases borne. wide range of hospitals, while the negative impacts are: a decrease in the class of BPJS participants, the number of participants in the third grade, many people decide to stop paying contributions, a decrease in public interest, the shift of people to private insurance, inflation, increasing poverty.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areen_US
dc.subjectkenaikan tarif BPJSen_US
dc.subjectpandemi covid 19en_US
dc.subjectBPJS tariff increaseen_US
dc.subjectcovid 19 pandemicen_US
dc.titleKajian Hukum Terhadap Kebijakan Kenaikan Tarif Bagi Peserta BPJS Kesehatan pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 ( Studi Penelitian di Kantor BPJS Medan Baru )en_US
dc.title.alternativeLegal Study on Tariff Increase Policy for BPJS Health Participants during the Covid-19 Pandemic (Research Study at BPJS Medan Baru Office)en_US
Appears in Collections:SP - Law of State Administration

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