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Title: Hubungan Antara Komitmen Organisasi Dengan Organizational Citizenship Behavioral (OCB) Pada Pegawai Pelayanan Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor (PKB) Di Kantor Samsat Putri Hijau Medan Utara
Other Titles: The Relationship Between Organizational Commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behavioral (OCB) on Motor Vehicle Tax Service Employees (PKB) At the Putri Hijau Samsat Office, North Medan
Authors: Siregar, Maria Bulan
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Chandra, Andy
DR, Maqhfirah
Keywords: komitmen organisasi;organizational citizenship behavior (ocb);pegawai;organizational commitment;employees
Issue Date: 9-Jul-2021
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;168600356
Abstract: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya hubungan antara komitmen organisasi dengan organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) pada pegawai pajak kendaraan bermotor (PKB)dikantorsamsat putri hijau medan utara.Organizational citizenship behavior(OCB)merupakan perilaku kebebasan individu untuk memilih, yang tidak secara langsung diakui dengan sistem reward secara formal dan berkonstribusi terhadap keefektifan fungsi organisasi. Komitmen organisasi adalah keinginan pekerja untuk tetap menjadi anggota organisasi, mencerminkan bagaimana seorang individu mengidentifikasikan dirinya dengan organisasi.Sampel dalam penelitian ini melibatkan 60 pegawai.Dengan pengambilan sampelmenggunakan tekniktotal sampling.Penelitian ini menggunakan skala komitmen organisasi yang disusun berdasarkan aspek-aspek menurut Mayer dan Allen (2012) dan skala organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) yang disusun berdasarkan dimensi-dimensi menurut Organ (2013).Analisis data menggunakan uji korelasi product moment, berdasarkan hasil perhitungan product moment bahwa terdapat hubungan positif yang signifikan antara komitmen organisasi dengan organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) artinya hipotesis yang diajukan dinyatakan diterima. Hasil ini dapat dibuktikan dengan koefisien (rxy = 0,724; p = 0,000 < 0,010). Ini menunjukkan bahwa komitmen organisasi berkontribusi dengan organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) sebesar 52,5% selebihnya 47,5% komitmen organisasi dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain yang tidak diteliti seperti karakteristik struktur, kehadiran serikat pekerja dan pengalaman kerja pegawai. This study aims to determine the correlation between organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) on motor vehicle tax (PKB) employees at the samsat north field green princess office. Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) is the behavior of individual freedom to choose, which is not directly recognized by a formal reward system and contributes to the effectiveness of organizational functions. Organizational commitment is the desire of workers to remain members of the organization, reflecting how an individual identifies with the organization. The sample in this study involved 60 employees. By taking the sample using a total sampling technique. This study uses an organizational commitment scale which is based on aspects according to Mayer and Allen (2012) and an organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) scale which is based on dimensions according to Organ (2013). Analysis of the data using the product moment correlation test, based on the results of product moment calculations that there is a significant positive relationship between organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), meaning that the proposed hypothesis is accepted. This result can be proved by the coefficient (rxy = 0.724 ; p = 0.000 < 0.010). This shows that organizational commitment contributes to organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) by 52.5%, the remaining 47.5% organizational commitment is influenced by other factors not examined such as structural characteristics, union presence and employee work experience.
Description: 98 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Psychology

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