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Title: Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Pekerja Pkwt (Outsourcing) Pt. Inconis Nusa Jaya Di Pt. Telkom Akses
Other Titles: Legal Protection for Pkwt Workers (Outsourcing) Pt. Inconis Nusa Jaya At Pt. Telkom Access
Authors: Novia, Syafira
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Siregar, Taufik
Handayani, Sri
Keywords: Perjanjian Kerja;Outsourcing;Perlindungan Hukum;UU Ketenagakerjaan;Employment agreement;Outsourcing;Legal Protection;Labour Regulations
Issue Date: 5-May-2021
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Abstract: Buruh atau pekerja adalah manusia yang menggunakan tenaga dan kemampuannya untuk mendapatkan balasan berupa uang maupun bentuk lainya dari Pemberi Kerja. Namun, masalah yang menyangkut tentang ketenagakerjaan mulai dari Upah, Kesejahteraan, dan lain sebagainya masih menjadi sorotan. Perusahaan menerapkan strategi dalam efisiensi biaya dengan memilih menggandeng alih daya atau Outsourcing. Adanya perjanjian kerja yang memuat tentang syarat-syarat kerja, pengupahan serta jaminan sosial merupakan hak-hak para pekerja yang dijamin oleh Undang-Undang. Agar dapat memperoleh hak-hak tersebut, para pekerja harus mendapatkan perlindungan hukum. Terdapat beberapa rumusan masalah di dalam penelitian ini yaitu: 1. Bagaimana proses perjanjian kerja antara perusahaan pengguna jasa pekerja yaitu PT. Telkom Akses dan perusahaan penyedia jasa pekerja outsourcing yaitu PT. Inconis Nusa Jaya; 2. Bagaimana akibat hukum bagi pekerja yang melanggar aturan kerja; 3. Bagaimana proses perlindungan hukum terhadap pekerja outsourcing PT. Inconis Nusa Jaya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui proses perjanjian kerja, akibat hukum serta perlindungan hukum bagi pekerja outsourcing PT. Inconis Nusa Jaya di PT. Telkom Akses. Manfaat yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini yaitu penulisan skripsi diharapkan dapat memberi sumbangan pemikiran terhadap ilmu pengetahuan di bidang hukum, khususnya yang berkaitan dengan perlindungan hukum tenaga kerja. Penulis menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif dimana bahanbahan hukum disusun secara sistematis dan juga dikaji serta adanya penelitian ke lapangan untuk selanjutnya dapat ditarik kesimpulan atas apa yang telah diperoleh. Terdapat beberapa simpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu: 1. Adanya perjanjian kerja antara PT. Telkom Akses dan PT. Inconis Nusa Jaya dalam perekrutan pekerja outsourcing; 2. Akibat hukum bagi pekerja outsourcing yang melanggar aturan kerja akan dikenakan sanksi berupa sanksi administratif hingga pidana; 3. Proses perlindungan hukum terhadap pekerja outsourcing PT. Inconis Nusa Jaya sudah sesuai dengan UU Ketenagakerjaan Saran yang perlu dikemukakan dari penelitian ini antara lain: 1. Perusahaan yang melakukan penerapan perjanjian kerja dengan sistem PKWT maupun PKWTT harus sesuai dengan UU Ketenagakerjaan yang berlaku, sehingga menghindari timbulnya kerugian, terutama kerugian bagi buruh/pekerja; 2. Pemerintah perlu melaksanakan revisi dalam UU Ketenagakerjaan agar terciptanya keselarasan kepentingan antara Pemerintah, Perusahaan dan Pekerja khususnya pekerja outsourcing di Indonesia. A Worker is a human being who uses his/her energy and ability to get compensation in the form of money or other forms from the Employer. However, issues concerning employment starting from Wages, Welfare, and so on are still in the spotlight. The company implements a strategy for cost efficiency by choosing to cooperate with outsourcing. The existence of a work agreement that contains working conditions, wages and, social security are the rights of workers guaranteed by law. In order to obtain these rights, workers must receive legal protection. There are several problem formulations, namely: 1. How is the work agreement process between employers, which is PT. Telkom Akses and service provider company, which is PT. Inconis Nusa Jaya; 2. What are the legal consequences for workers who violate work rules; 3. How is the legal protection process for outsourced workers at PT. Inconis Nusa Jaya. The purpose of the research is to discover the process of employment agreements, legal consequences, and legal protection for outsourced workers of PT. Inconis Nusa Jaya at PT. Telkom Akses. The advantage obtained from the research is to contribute ideas for science in the law field, especially those related to labor legal protection. The writer uses normative legal research method in which law materials are arranged and studied systematically, also there is research into the field for further to obtain the summary of the result. There are several conclusions from this research, namely: 1. The existence of a work agreement between PT. Telkom Access and PT. Inconis Nusa Jaya in recruiting outsourced workers; 2. The legal consequences for outsourced workers who violate the work rules will be subject to sanctions in the form of administrative sanctions to criminal sanctions; 3. The process of legal protection for outsourced workers of PT. Inconis Nusa Jaya is in accordance with the labour regulations in Indonesia Suggestions that need to be raised from this research include: 1. Companies that implement work agreements with the PKWT and PKWTT systems must comply with the applicable labor regulations, to avoid losses, especially losses for workers; 2. The government needs to revise the labor regulations to create a harmony of interests between the government, companies and workers, especially outsourced workers in Indonesia. Future certainty is needed for outsourced workers.
Description: 69 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Civil Law

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