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Title: Analisis Penerapan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja di CV Bintang Terang
Other Titles: Analysis of the Application of Occupational Safety and Health at CV Bintang Terang
Authors: Sitepu, Alvin
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Prasetyo, Healthy Aldriany
Polewangi, Yudi Daeng
Keywords: keselamatan kerja;perusahaan swasta;industri
Issue Date: 5-Jan-2021
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;178150075
Abstract: CV Bintang Terang merupakan perusahaan swasta di medan yang memproduksi periuk dan belum menerapkan kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja (K3) secara baik mengikuti SOP dimana temuan di lokasi produksi walaupun perusahaan telah memberikan alat pelindung diri bagi pekerjaanya seperti masker, sarung tangan, pakaian dan sepatu, tetapi pada penerapannya dilapangan terhadap pekerja ternyata pekerja masih tidak disiplin. Perusahaan memberikan pembinaan kesehatan dakeselamatan kerja pada pekerja dan bertanggung jawab memberikan jaminan dalam bentuk santunan berupa uang terhadap periswita atau keadaan yang terjadi pada pekerja berupak keelakaan kerja, sakit, hamil, bersalin dan meninggal dunia. CV Bintang Terang is a private company in the field that produces pots and has not implemented occupational health and safety (K3) properly following the SOP where the findings are at the production site even though the company has provided personal protective equipment for its work such as masks, gloves, clothes and shoes, but in its application in the field to workers, it turns out that workers are still undisciplined. The company provides health and safety training to workers and is responsible for providing guarantees in the form of compensation in the form of money for events or conditions that occur to workers in the form of work accidents, illness, pregnancy, childbirth and death.
Description: 63 Halama
Appears in Collections:Laporan Kerja Praktik (LKP)

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