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Title: Laporan Kerja Praktek Pengenalan Alat dan Pengolahan Kelapa Sawit di PT. Perkebunan Nusantara IV PKS Pasir Mandoge Asahan, Sumatera Utara
Other Titles: Job Training Report Introduction of Palm Oil Tools and Processing at PT. Perkebunan Nusantara IV PKS Pasir Mandoge Asahan, North Sumatra
Authors: Manik, Roni Agustinus
Butar-Butar, Johanes
Saragih, Anjas Poltak Boy
Simanjuntak, Johan Fransen
Sihombing, Riyanto
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Nasution, Fami Azrai
Keywords: sistem produksi;pks pasir mandoge
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;168130059
Abstract: Selama ini pkl dilakukan oleh mahasiwa sesuai dengan bidangnya di luar kampusnya. Dalam pelaksanaan pkl seorang mahasiswa dapat menambah pengetahuan pengalaman dan gambaran kepada mahasiswa tentang bagaimana sesungguhnya realita dunia kerja yang akan dimasukinya yang nantinya diharapkan mampu menciptakan usaha sendiri bukan sekedar melamar dan mencari pekerjaan penetapan lokasi pkl mahasiswa dilakukan melalui kordinasi dengan program studi berdasarkan keputusan kepala jurusan agribisnis kelapa sawit dilakukanlah pkl di ptpn iv kebun pasir mandoge So far, street vendors are conducted by students according to their fields outside the campus. In the implementation of street vendors, a student can add knowledge, experience and picture to students about the real reality of the world of work that they will enter which later is expected to be able to create their own business, not just applying for and looking for work. Determining the location of street vendors for students is done through coordination with study programs based on the decision of the head of the agribusiness department. Palm oil is carried out at pkl at PTPN IV, Mandoge Sand Gardens
Description: 59 Halaman
Appears in Collections:Laporan Kerja Praktik (LKP)

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