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Title: Rahasia Sehatnya Rasul
Other Titles: The Apostle's Health Secret
Authors: Samosir, Hasrat Effendi
Keywords: rasul;kesehatan;resep;tabib
Issue Date: 31-Oct-2019
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Abstract: In one narration, it is stated that the Apostle had received a doctor from one of them kings in the Arabian peninsula. The doctor is tasked with maintaining the health of the Apostle if there are complaints sick. In the history it is said, until a year that he never served got complaints from the Prophet about his health. We can say that the healer was "unemployed" or not functioning. Even not only the Apostle, as well as the companions of the Prophet, almost no one was sick. So that as a healer, he felt like he had no duty. According to health science we have to take at least 10,000 steps per day. This means that if we go to the mosque often, it will not only reward us, but also health. In one article it said there was a professor in Europe who was over 90 years old but still very healthy. When asked what his strengths were, he said that he parked his vehicle far from the room where he worked. When asked why he did this, he answered that it was because he rarely exercised. So take more steps to the mosque or to majlis taklim. That is a healthy recipe from the Prophet Muhammad. Hopefully we will always be in good health, so that we can be stronger in worshiping Allah SWT.
Description: Dalam satu riwayat disebutkan bahwa Rasul itu pernah mendapat hadiah seorang tabib dari salah satu raja di jazirah Arab. Tabib tersebut bertugas untuk menjaga kesehatan Rasul apabila ada keluhan sakit. Dalam riwayat tersebut dikatakan, sampai setahun bertugas tabib tersebut tidak pernah mendapat keluhan dari Nabi tentang kesehatan beliau. Bisa kita katakan bahwa tabib tersebut “menganggur” atau tidak difungsikan. Bahkan bukan hanya Rasul, begitu juga dengan sahabatsahabat Nabi, hampir tidak ada yang sakit. Sehingga sebagai tabib, ia merasa seperti tidak ada tugasnya.Menurut ilmu kesehatan kita harus melangkah minimal 10.000 langkah per hari. Artinya, kalau kita sering ke masjid maka bukan hanya pahala yang kita dapat, tetapi juga kesehatan. Dalam satu artikel dikatakan ada seorang profesor di Eropa yang berusia lebih dari 90 tahun tetapi masih sangat sehat. Ketika ditanya tentang apa kelebihannya, ia mengatakan bahwa ia memarkirkan kendaraannya jauh dari ruangan tempat ia bekerja. Ketika ditanya mengapa ia melakukan hal itu, ia menjawab itu dikarenakan ia jarang berolahraga. Maka perbanyaklah langkah ke masjid ataupun ke majlis taklim. Itulah resep sehat dari Rasulullah Saw. Mudah-mudahan kita senantiasa dalam keadaan sehat wal afiat, agar bisa semakin kuat beribadah kepada Allah Swt.
Appears in Collections:Buletin Taqwa

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