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Title: Nilai Berita Prominence Pada Program Wajah Sumut di Metro TV Biro Sumbagut (Studi Analisis Wacana Kritis Tentang Teks Berita “Evaluasi Kinerja Walikota")
Authors: Gunarty, Yosefa
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Barus, Rehia K. Isabella
Hidayat, Taufik Wal
Keywords: prominence news value;critical discourse analysis;news text;nilai berita prominence;analisis wacana kritis;teks berita
Issue Date: 4-Oct-2019
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;158530044
Abstract: This study is entitled Prominence News Value on the North Sumatra Face Program on Metro TV of the Sumbagut Bureau (Critical Discourse Analysis Study of the News Text "Evaluation of Mayor's Performance"). This study aims to find out the analysis of Prominence news value discourse at the text level in the "Mayor Performance Evaluation" news. This study uses qualitative research with descriptive analysis. In collecting data, researchers conducted face-to-face interviews with Metro TV Bureau of the North Sumatra Bureau of Information. This type of research is text research. In the method, the researcher uses the Norman Fairclough Critical Discourse Analysis research method on the dimensions of text, on the elements of Representation, Relationships, and Identity, this model was chosen because Fairclough focuses the discourse on language, so that it is more focused on seeing how Metro TV Bureau of Sumbagut in reporting Performance Evaluations Mayor. The results showed that there were three elements in analyzing the text of the Mayor's Performance Evaluation based on Norman Fairclough's theory, namely Representation of the performance evaluation of the mayor, by reflecting the performance of the mayor who had not experienced changes or were realized; the relationship between journalists and news sources is very influential on the development of the mayor's performance; and Identity to see how journalists place themselves in the text and in this news, journalists position themselves as being in favor of the public.
Description: Penelitian ini berjudul Nilai Berita Prominence Pada Program Wajah Sumut di Metro TV Biro Sumbagut (Studi Analisis Wacana Kritis Tentang Teks Berita “Evaluasi Kinerja Walikota”). Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui analisis wacana nilai berita Prominence pada level teks dalam berita “Evaluasi Kinerja Walikota”. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan analisis deskriptif. Dalam mengumpulkan data peneliti melakukan wawancara tatap muka dengan crew Metro TV Biro Sumbagut. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian teks. Dalam metodenya, peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian Analisis Wacana Kritis model Norman Fairclough pada dimensi teks, pada unsur Representasi, Relasi, dan Identitas, model ini dipilih karena Fairclough memusatkan perhatian wacana pada bahasa, agar lebih fokus melihat bagaimana Metro TV Biro Sumbagut dalam memberitakan Evaluasi Kinerja Walikota. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada tiga unsur dalam menganalisis teks Evaluasi Kinerja Walikota berdasarkan teori Norman Fairclough yaitu Representasi evaluasi kinerja walikota, dengan mencerminkan kinerja walikota yang belum mengalami perubahan atau terealisasi; relasi antara wartawan dengan narasumber berita sangat berpengaruh terhadap perkembangan kinerja walikota; dan Identitas untuk melihat bagaimana wartawan menempatkan dirinya ke dalam teks dan pada berita ini, wartawan memposisikan dirinya sebagai yang berpihak kepada masyarakat.
Appears in Collections:SP - Communication Science

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