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Title: Calling Orientation pada Perias Jenazah di Kota Medan
Authors: Hendriani, Ririn
Keywords: calling orientation;perias jenazah;morticians
Issue Date: 20-Jun-2017
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Abstract: This research aims to know the calling orientation, characteristics, dimensions and factors affecting on the morticians in Medan City. Calling Orientation is the individual who feels there is a call to be fulfilled on his job, feeling enjoy and interpret her work intrinsically and see her work as central for identity. The characteristics of calling orientation are spiritual intelligence, passion for people, unstoppable, integrity, discipline, professional, passionate, enjoy life and serve. Dimensions of calling orientation are guiding force, person-environment-fit, single-value and meaning. Factors which affect the form of the theological influence of orientation calling or faith and family conditions or relationships in the family. The taking of the respondents in this study using snowball sampling and using qualitative research method with interview techniques, observation and documentation. The subject in this research is two morticians aged 33 and 65 who work more than five years. The results of this study found that the characteristics of calling orientation found in first respondents are spiritual intelligence, passion for people, unstoppable, discipline, professional and serving. In the second respondents are spiritual intelligence, passion for people, unstoppable, integrity, discipline, professional and serving. The dimension of calling orientation in the first respondent are guiding force and sense and meaning-value, while the respondents of both dimensions calling orientation are person-environment-fit and sense and meaning-value. The factors that affect the calling orientation in the first respondent is the condition of family or relationships in family and culture. The second respondent is a theological or faith and environmental influence. Seen from the characteristics, dimensions, and factor calling orientation then of two respondents worked to be morticians because of calling orientation.
Description: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui calling orientation, ciri-ciri, dimensi dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pada perias jenazah di kota Medan. Calling Orientation adalah individu yang merasa ada panggilan yang harus dipenuhi pada pekerjaannya, menikmati dan memaknai pekerjaannya secara intrinsik dan melihat pekerjaannya sebagai pusat identitasnya. Ciri-ciri calling orientation berupa kecerdasan spiritual, passion for people, unstoppable, integritas, disiplin, profesional, bersemangat, menikmati hidup dan melayani. Dimensi calling orientation berupa transcendent guiding force, person-environment-fit, sense and meaning-value. Faktor yang mempengaruhi calling orientation berupa pengaruh teologis atau keimanan dan kondisi keluarga atau relasi dalam keluarga. Pengambilan responden dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik snowball sampling dan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Subjek dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari dua orang perias jenazah yang berusia 33 dan 65 yang bekerja lebih dari lima tahun. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa ciri calling orientation yang terdapat pada responden pertama berupa kecerdasan spiritual, passion for people, unstoppable, disiplin, professional dan melayani. Pada responden kedua berupa kecerdasan spiritual, passion for people, unstoppable, integritas, disiplin, professional dan melayani. Dimensi calling orientation pada responden pertama adalah transcendent guiding force dan sense and meaning-value sedangkan pada responden kedua dimensi calling orientation berupa person-environment-fit dan sense and meaning-value. Adapun faktor yang mempengaruhi calling orientation pada responden pertama adalah kondisi keluarga atau relasi dalam keluarga dan budaya. Pada responden kedua berupa pengaruh teologis atau keimanan dan lingkungan. Terlihat dari ciri-ciri, dimensi, dan faktor calling orientation maka dapat disimp
Appears in Collections:SP - Psychology

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