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Title: Pembayaran Uang Pengganti pada Tindak Pidana Korupsi dalam Perspektif Asset Recovery (Studi pada Pengadilan Negeri Binjai)
Authors: Pasaribu, Saut Marulitua
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Suhaidi
Nasution, Mirza
Keywords: pemulihan aset;asset recovery
Issue Date: 24-May-2011
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Abstract: District Court of Binjai for period of 2008 to 2010 has punished the actor of corruption criminal act with additional fine with compensation payment of Rp.890,658,004.- By the amount in fact, the District Attorney of Binjai may proceed to collect only Rp. 76,977,500,;; noted about 8% from a due to take in collect by the authority, in this case District Attorney of Binjai. The mechanism for restitution on state lost in money by paying with compensation as ruled tn UU No.31 of 1999 Jo UU No.20 of 2001 regulations is not accommodated any more, it is necessary to apply other mechanism as possible to generate an optimal result for repaying state lost, such as by adopting there an asset recovery principle as it has been ruled within UNCAC 2003. Accordingly, in this study is assumed its problem namely how to understand and to apply the asset recovery in judging with criminal by general prosecutor and by adjudication on District Court of Binjai. This research adopted a normative juridical approach method. in this case to search law as a positive norms by analyzing the problems as available based on the regulations ruled, upon adjudication and prosecution by general prosecutor as well as literature and by interview to discuss the problems appeared, all it is resourced from library research. documentation study and field data. By that research then obtained a conclusion as the Judges who serving to District Court of Binjai and Prosecutors in District Attorney of Binjai especially they who handle the cases in corruption criminal acts yet adopt their view in settling many corruption criminal acts based on repressive executing with putting punishment on body than taking with asset recovery so that state lost that has been existing unable to repay back optimally. It's time to apply the confiscation or seizure and freezing of assets referred to in the UNCAC 2003 in to Law a new Corruption.
Description: Pengadilan Negeri Binjai pada priode tahun 2008 sld 2010 telah menghukum pelaku tindak pidana korupsi dengan pidana tambahan berupa pembayaran uang pengganti sebesar Rp. 890.658. 004;-. Dari jumlah Rp. 890.658.004;- dalam kenyataannya yang bisa ditagih oleh Kejaksaan Negeri Binjai hanya sebesar Rp. 76.977.500,-. Sekitar 8% dari yang seharusnya ditagih oleh Kejaksaan Negeri Binjai. Mekanisme pengembalian kerugian uang negara melalui pembayaran uang pengganti yang diatur UU No. 31 Tahun 1999 Jo UU No. 20 Tahun 2001 tidak memadai lagi, perlu dicari mekanisme lain yang dapat memberikan hasil yang optimal terhadap pengembalian kerugian negara, diantaranya melalui penerapan prinsip asset recovery sebagaimana yang diatur dalam UNCAC 2003. Dalam penelitian ini diajukan permasalahan yaitu pemahaman dan penerapan asset recovery dalam tuntutan pidana Jaksa Penuntul Umum dan putusan Hakim pada Pengadilan Negeri Binjai. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan yuridis normatif yaitu meneliti hukum sebagai norma positif dengan menganalisis permasalahan berdasarkan peraturan perundang- undangan, putusan hakim dan sural tuntutan Penuntut Umum serta literature dari data puslaka, studi dokumen dan data lapangan. Hakim di Pengadilan Negeri Binjai maupun Jaksa di Kejaksaan Negeri Binjai khususnya yang menangani perkara tindak pidana korupsi masih memakai cara pandang lebih pada upaya penindakan berupa penjatuhan hukuman badan dari pada upaya pemulihan sehingga kerugian yang telah dialami negara tidak dapat dikembalikan secara optimal. Sudah waktunya untuk menerapkan penyitaan atau perampasan dan pembekuan aset yang diatur dalam UNCAC 2003 dalam UU Tipikor yang baru.
Appears in Collections:MT - Master of Law

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